Monday, September 3, 2007

Horray, Football!

Back from the sweltering, gang-infested world that is Los Angeles, I can't help but wonder why in the world Frontiere doesn't want to go back there. Some loser was gonna call his homies to shoot up a gas station just because the pump wouldn't give him more than he paid for. And God forbid that someone allow you to get over so you can exit. God bless Corvallis, and that's all I have to say on that subject.

Now it is time once again for the footballs to take flight and the know-it-alls to come out from under their rocks and tell us how the Patriots and the Cowboys will meet in the Super Bowl in 2008.

While that may very well be the case, I will still allow myself to watch as the Rams attempt to derail "Them Cowboys" and stake their own claim once again to the Lombardi Trophy.

So grab yourself a beer and join me in watching the Greatest Offense on Earth come to life. Except for the beer part, of course, as I'll be doin' the Dew. Horray football!

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