Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I think that all the talk about trading Bradford and selecting RG3 at #2 instead of trading #2 and still selecting Blackmon is all a bunch of garbage. Sam is way better than RG3 will ever be, and although he may be less of an athlete, he is a far better passer with the ability to lead a pro team to a Super Bowl victory.

When I think of RG3 I think Todd Marinovich, I think Vince Young, I think a whole bunch of talent wasted on rich-before-they-take-a-snap selfishness. 

I Tebow, er I mean pray that the Rams do not do this horrible thing. We need RG3 like a virgin needs an STD test. We need RG3 like we need 4 more years of NoBama. We need RG3 like I need more testoserone!

We NEED Bradford, period.

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