Yesterday's game marked the first time that the Rams played a game without any offensive member of the GSOT. The only remaining player from that team is Leonard Little, who right about now probably wishes that he wasn't. It is amazing that while the offensive players are now gone, this team remains committed to be offensive in its play.
Losing to the Seahags is one thing, but being shut out is another. Granted the officiating was atrocious, but there is no excuse for opening up the season with a fumbled kick return. One thing that I don't understand about that particular play was why in the heck Avery was returning kicks anyway. How many WR's do we have that can play this game at a high enough level that we can afford for Avery to get his head knocked off on the season's first play? NONE! Even though we got the ball right back on the endzone pick, that fumble set the tone for the worst game I can remember. The play calling was awful, the penalties were unbelievable, and the special teams were atrocious. John Carlson? John Carlson? Really?
Next week we go into D.C. to play a 'Skins team that also relies heavily on the TE. Look for another ass whoopin if some major adjustments aren't made before then. New coaches, new players, new playbook, same lame result. If we get another effort like the one Sunday, then we can officially name this team the LSOT - Lamest show on turf.
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