Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That Was a Close One

Well, for about 3/4 of the game. Unfortunately for Trent Green lovers, he reverted to Brock Berlin form and threw a devestating pick that ended any confidence and momentum the Rams had. Also unfortunately for Mrs. Linecrap, her tears after the last two games meant nothing to the people who matter and her husband can now join her in the mornings crying over what should have been done last year. Oh well. Life's a bitch, and then you die. I'll leave the other part of that equation out.

Fortunately for Rams Nation, all is not lost now that Haslett has taken over and has said he will try to turn this thing around. What the hell else was he gonna say? Jeez. Let's just hope that he turns it around 180 degrees and not 360. For a man who said on Monday that he just found out at 2:00 am yesterday: Hey Haslett - 2:00 AM the day you find out is today, not yesterday. Guess he's so in tune with things around Rams Park that he can't even remember what day it is. But at least he remembers who the REAL starting QB should be. Oh wait - that guy is in Arizona. So Bulger gets his job back now by default and we will rally around Marc Bulger and we will...win?

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