Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Rules - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good - Clubs will be financially liable for players' violations and suspensions. This is an excellent rule because it now brings some balance to what has become a highly prejudicial campaign by Roger Goddell. He has continually failed to bring any REAL punishment to the non-player personnel, i.e coaches and owners, while throwing the book at the players for even the slightest infractions. Hopefully this will also make it more difficult for those players who even in High School are known as trouble makers to drug-deal their way through school just so they can be rewarded by multi million dollar contracts in the NFL. Come draft day, these losers can be sitting at home smoking crack with their homies while they watch the draft instead of sitting at home smoking crack with their homies after being drafted. And maybe, just maybe, the next time Belicheat gets caught doing something illegal he'll get in REAL trouble. Yeah right! And if frogs could fly, they wouldn't bump their butts when they landed.

The BAD and the Ugly - Damn, it feels even better now NOT to be a Californian. The worst rule in the history of, well, history, goes into effect June 17th in California. And Tango Makes Three? Not when two of 'em are dead! What's that saying, "The world is going to Hell in a hand basket" or something like that? I now know what that means. And I know 10 families that are now moving out of that cesspool. Here's to a much better brand of life in Oregon staying that way!

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